Wednesday 18 January 2012

Exam Areas and Explanations

Section A:
1.) Textual analysis and representation

Four areas:
  • Camera angles
  • Camera shots
  • Camera movements
  • Composition
2.) Mise-en-scene
3.) Editing
4.) Sound

A film is made up of these four key aspects. A mise-en-scene would feature key pointers such as; props, lighting, location/setting and the characters present in the film itself. Editing would involve things such as editing and cutting clips but having them flow in a seamless movie-like experience and although it is an uncertainty that a film will not feature any continuity errors, movies have had a great history due to their editing e.g. Rocky (despite the $1-million budget spent on the movie itself so editing is of good importance to the movie). The sound is perhaps one of the most important and integral parts of crafting an Oscar-caliber movie as there are movies which are critically acclaimed such as "The Artist" for their usage of silent film to add to the atmosphere and distinctiveness.

Furthermore, sound could be seen as oozing a sense of identity and character as there may be a movie, in its entirety, based on dialogue or sounds that do not rely on characters' voices at all and can still come across as a great movie (e.g. even narratives are used in movies to explain the storyline step-by-step.)

How you purposely intend to portray/display yourself to others

Characters would usually give the audience a sense of their identity through their movements, how they speak and the facial expressions they may have; for example, in The Godfather: Part III, Al Pacino portrays himself as an aging character and this is shown through his appearance and how he walks slower and speaks more softly in comparison to its predecessor, echoing Marlon Brando's widely-recognized portrayal of Don Vito Corleone. In addition to this, a character who is merciless and infuriated would have facial expressions full of anger and fury as opposed to a character who is caring towards others and strives to achieve the best as his facial expressions would be more varied yet it would be more of a rarity to see them angry in comparison.

Peoples' representations are categorized by factors such as age, ethnicity and even religion but these representations also depend on how you are sociable with others; e.g. if a person mainly hangs around with a religious group, it is unlikely that he would heavily use cursing through his dialogue and would represent himself as a kind-natured and selfless character.

Another example of this is in Inside Man, there is a Sikh man that the police interrogates as they take off his turban and this adds to how ethnicity plays a factor in the movie too as a turban is represented here as of high importance to this character's religion as he echoes the fact that he will not answer any questions until he is given back his turban.

In addition to this, gender plays a factor too as females and males are represented differently, in general, but this is not to generally state that all males will be represented as dominant characters as there are males who are represented distinctively too.